Fully Implementing the Primary Responsibility of Enterprise Work Safety ——the signing ceremony of the entire personnel work safety responsibility system held at the headquarters of the group


In order to reinforce the consciousness of work safety and do a solid job of the work safety month of the group in accordance with the policy of "safety first, prevention first and comprehensive management", In May 30, the Work Safety meeting was held at the headquarters of the group to arrange and deploy the work of "Work Safety Month" and hold a "signing ceremony of the entire personnel work safety responsibility system". Songzhuoya, CEO of the group, attended the meeting, and heads of functional departments and employees of the headquarters attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Huang Yucheng, the deputy chief engineer of the group, explained the structure, members and main responsibilities of the group's work safety team, reaffirmed the overall purpose, policy and mechanism of the new Work Safety Law in combination with the work safety situation of the group, and stressed the importance of work safety under the new situation.

Then, Song Zhuoya, CEO of the group, made an in-depth analysis for everyone in combination with the domestic work safety situation in the first quarter, pointed out the importance of unremitting efforts in safety work, put forward the requirements of "hierarchical management and control, performing each one 's own duties and one post with dual responsibilities" for the group to implement the work safety responsibility, and gave guidance for the implementation of work safety within the scope of responsibilities of each functional department. At the same time, he also put forward suggestions and requirements for reinforcing personal safety consciousness outside work and mastering the basic knowledge of self-help, so as to be alert to danger in times of peace, take precautions and cherish life.

This June is the 21st national " Work Safety Month". The new Work Safety Law has made it clear that the era of "the Entire Personnel Work Safety Responsibility System" is coming. CEO Song Zhuoya stressed that we will carry out top-down, full coverage and diversified Work Safety Month activities around the theme of the National Work Safety Month - "abide by the Work Safety Law and be the first responsible person". It is mainly implemented from the aspects of publicity, training, inspection and pre-plan exercise of work safety, combined with posts, focusing on actual results and eliminating formalism.

Finally, the heads of all functional departments and its staff signed the work safety responsibility statement. It clearly defined the target of work safety within the scope of responsibilities, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of the entire personnel work safety responsibility system.



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