
Cost Estimator Intern

Monthly salary: 1500 yuan Subsidy

Working place: Chengdu

Nature of work: Internship

Years of work experience: Nil

Minimum education: Undergraduate

Number of recruits: 2 persons persons

Job Responsibilities:

Assist department colleagues to do the following tasks:

1. Assisting colleagues in drafting bidding documents, issuing tender documents, opening bid records, etc.;

2. Review the quantities in the Material Purchase Plan prepared by construction and material staff of the project;

3. Prepare the base price of tender, and submit it to the commercial manager for review;

4. Responsible for filing of project bidding documents and materials;

5. Assist business managers to draft contract documents for inviting bid and bid negotiation according to national or local laws and regulations;

6. Compiling Quota Material Requisition List;

7. Compiling budget documents, summary statement of labor, material and machinery;

8. Compiling completion settlement statement, settlement sheets for labor service, professional subcontract and construction machinery lease, extra cost submitted to the employer;

9. Review the interim payment for labor subcontracting and professional subcontracting;

10. A command of accurate market price and budgetary price, make timely adjustment of budget and settlement;

11. Assist finance in cost accounting;

12. Collect, collate and calculate the unit price of labor and materials in time to provide basis for leaders' decision-making;

13. Other work arranged by the leader.


1. Male and female are not limited bachelor degree senior students;

2. Major in cost estimate;

3. With solid professional knowledge and willingness to learn;

4. Good command of related software of cost estimate.

Treatment: Internship allowance meal supplement handing-down training

Job Application


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