
Health care town

Based on the composite demand of China's great health, culture and tourism, PBIH is committed to building "Phoenix Bridge" brand of health care industry. PBIH is starting the operation of various combined business sectors such as development and production of high-end medical equipment, special medical treatment, high-end recuperation and leisure tourism by establishing international R & D center, domestic R & D manufacturing center and domestic health care town.

Health care town is located in the Mianyang Xian Hai scenic spot with great development value, covering a total area 380 Mu(62.59 acres). It mainly includes Jinshuo Resort Hotel Phase II, and a proposed five-star car camping park and a low-altitude flying camp including gliders, aerobatics, helicopters and para-gliders. The matching high-end leisure services combined with the bridge club culture base, perfectly forge the leisure, resort and health care park with combination of dynamics and statics.

High-end medical services, such as telemedicine and gene sequencing, can be provided at the health care town through collaboration with the advantageous resources of the University of Manchester, the Peking Medical University and the Union Medical College Hospital.

Chengdu R & D manufacturing center is located in Chengdu hi-tech Development Zone. On the basis of regional policy support and the superior carrier of core cities, through merger and acquisition of international hi-tech R & D enterprises, PBIH is introducing the research, development and manufacturing of micro nano microscope, diagnostic kit, target detection, targeted therapy and other products. At present stage, the microscope manufacturing plant and diagnostic kit R & D center will be set up to promote the development of related industries through R & D and manufacturing.

The international R & D center is located in the United Kingdom. Currently, rapid virus detection system and nanomicroscope are being researched and developed respectively by LIG Biowise and LIG Nanowise Limited. The stage results have been achieved. The nanomicroscope can be put into trial production.

Phoenix Bridge health care industry belongs to sunrise industry full of youthful spirit, and is being gradually constructed and steadily accumulated.



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