Ultra high resolution microsphere lens optical microscope NANOPSIS M

Ultra high resolution microsphere lens optical microscope NANOPSIS M, using the originated microsphere objective lens (patent protection), large field of view integrated with ultra high resolution (50nm) imaging. While providing users with super-high resolution that other optical systems can't match, they can continue to enjoy the inherent advantages of traditional optical microscopes, such as fast, easy to use, non-destructive and full-color. It is suitable for metals, nonmetals, semiconductor materials and so on.

In June 2017, LIG Nanowise Ltd launched the world's first microsphere lens super-resolution microscope product NANOPSIS M, which was headlined by a number of international media (AOL, Daily Mail, Sky News, and many other media). The main characteristics are as follows:

* Pure optical imaging technology with a resolution of 50 nanometers - breaking the theoretical resolution limit of traditional optical microscopes (200 nm);
* Large imaging area;
* All the advantages of optical microscope, ease of use and high speed;
* Easy to operate, suitable for most routine sample preparation. Compared with the electronic microscope, there is no environmental limitation, the sample does not need to be conductive treated, no vacuum condition is required, and the maintenance cost is low;
* Low price compared to other super resolution microscopes;
* Equipped with SMAL 400X microsphere objective lens, which can be switched with standard objective lens to quickly find the area of interest and achieve unprecedented optical resolution;
* Fast automatic image mosaic of software could capture areas of interest in minutes, functioned with image distortion correction and imaging enhancements.



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